Eli - a true servant warrior!
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me share with you the most awesome BIG little brother, Eli! And the crowd goes wild (cue applause and whistles) I just have to share with you the genuine heart of Eli. With all that is going on, he has stepped up his game of love and gentleness. There has yet to be a day with whining and complaining about trips to the hospital, living in a pseudo hotel room at the Ronald McDonald House or not being able to go check out the local attractions! In fact, he has got Mama doing 100 burpees every morning!!! Future Navy SEAL!! Eli doesn't even complain about having to do homeschool. In fact, he's been so diligent, we are quickly approaching our 100th day of school right on schedule! Even with access to television and toys, Eli is reading "Make Your Bed" by Admiral McRaven (his choice) and Eli continues to draw every single day! Who is this child we are raising? Eli has grown up fast as the little brother...