An unexpected set back....

 Sorry, for the delay....I had hoped to bring you good news of a discharge date......but......

Hello everyone!  Do you see anything missing?  Yep!  No more NG tube sucking contents out of Enzo's stomach!  Doesn't Enzo's face look so amazing?  This is progress!!!!  

Last week, since my last post, Enzo was given the go ahead to stay off suction for a few hours, then longer, then finally take it out.  After that, it's all about getting the stomach to work.  We started with clear liquids, just sips.  After that, 2 ounces of his formula every 2 hours, then the next day 4 ounces every 2 hours, then 6, then 9.  We were up to 9 yesterday.  AND Enzo was no longer needing TPN!!  PROGRESS!!!


Today at 5AM Enzo woke up abruptly and vomited.  After cleaning up, changing linens and getting him back to sleep he did it again not too long after.  Between 5AM and 10AM, Enzo had 5 episodes of vomiting.  It felt like we were back to square 1 again. 

However, this time was different.  Unlike most of Enzo's stay in the hospital, he has presented well, with enthusiasm, life, and giggles.  It was common to hear the doctors, nurses and all the visitors say, "Enzo doesn't look ill."  

Today was different.  Enzo didn't want his videos, his flight simulator app, nothing.  He just moaned.  It was so sad.  

Rumor had it everyone was expecting Enzo to be discharged soon.  He was given morphine for pain (something he hasn't needed since a few days after the surgery).  He feels better now but still isn't himself. 

With so many personnel coming in to check on Enzo it's been quite a day.  Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Enzo.

My brother, Alex, came down to celebrate Nonna's birthday!  It was a lot of fun!  
Eli is sharing all the neat little treats he's receiving from Miss Connie at Bingo with everyone he can chat with.  
Nonna received a bunch of love on her birthday!  Don't worry, that is Ginger Ale Eli is drinking in his celebration cup.  Ha ha
Even Nonna's baby boy, Valentino, was having a fun time on Nonna's birthday!  Ha ha ha!
It was so nice to have a fun family celebration during Nonna's birthday! 
In the meantime, we're making the best of this situation and enjoying our time together as a family.  Maybe these silly little apps are worth it.  Ha ha ha!

Hope your 2024 is everything you'd hope it would be!


  1. Your little Enzo is so brave. So much for one kid to go through. Ronald McDonald is awsome. They were amazing support for us when my brother-in-law collapsed at an airport in the midwest and we needed lodging. Your family is a perfect example of what a loving family should be. Amazing hubby, amazing Nonna, amazing Eli, and last but not least, amazing You. Thank you for the blog. We live the moments when we read your words.

  2. Thanks for the update! Prayers for a continuous recovery!

  3. So sorry you are going through this tough time Enzo. Prayers for a complete healing. Hugs and prayers bud.

  4. Such a hard thing to go through, but wonderful to see God’s hand at work. Prayers continue on your behalf! 🙏❤️


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