9/11, Statue of Liberty and more of an amazing Father and Son trip to NYC

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Nothing provides a deeper relationship with anyone, than one-on-one time, alone!  That's exactly what Scott and Eli did at the beginning of November by heading to New York City!

With only a few days to spend up there, the two adventurers made a list of things to see: 
  • 9/11 Memorial Museum at the World Trade Center
  • Statue of Liberty
  • NY Pizza
  • Have a cup of coffee with a friend, Ryan Silverman
They nailed it and then some, walking almost a half marathon (13 miles/21.1km) each day while exploring the many amazing places of NYC!
Let's start from the beginning, here in Florida:

Having overheard Eli's passion for airplanes and flying one, the Captain and Co-pilot invited him into the cockpit where Eli was allowed to do the pre-flight checklist, prior to anyone boarding!  That's a pretty awesome start to a trip of a lifetime!

Once Scott and Eli arrived, they were in awe of what they saw, even from the taxi that took them to their hotel.  

Upon arrival it was time to explore what was nearby as well as figure out their plan for the next few days!  

Naturally, they heeded the advice of a good friend who jokingly said they could live off of NYC's finest pizzerias.  And they did! 
Everywhere they looked there was something to see, the ferry, the Statue of Liberty and even the beautiful sunset.

Together they had begun the trip of a lifetime and were ready to settle into their room for the night......or were they? 
In a true Fire Fighter Challenge mindset, and knowing their room was on the 15th floor, they opted to climb up and down the stairs before heading to bed!  Who does that?!!??!  THESE TWO! 

Early to bed and early to rise Scott and Eli set out for adventure and saw things I didn't even know existed in NYC.  It was such a neat experience.  Everywhere they turned, there was something different to see! All this was on the way to the 9/11 Memorial site which was just a block away from their hotel. 
Wish List Item #1 ✅ 

The trip to the 9/11 Memorial was a trip that Scott had dreamed would come some day.  To have it with Eli, was a big moment.  There were a lot of emotions, lots of education and lots of bonding.  

They both agreed that it was something you just have to see for yourself.  They took a lot of pictures, but there is truth to be said that there is no way to appreciate the gravity of the effects the beautiful and yet gripping somber of the memorial without being there in person. 
Although there were many pictures they took, it's hard to decide which to post here on the blog.  So I chose this one with the quote 
    “No day shall erase you from the memory of time” is a quote from The Aeneid by Roman poet Virgil that appears in the National September 11 Memorial & Museum which has a bunch of painted squares representing everyone that passed that day.  

"Every one of the 2,983 watercolor squares is its own shade of blue – one for each of the 2001 and 1993 attack victims – and the artwork as a whole revolves around the idea of memory. Our own perception of the color blue might not be the same as that of another person. But, just like our perception of color, our memories share a common point of reference."

By Jordan Friedman, 9/11 Memorial Research and Digital Projects Associate

And then it was time for pizza....again! 

When I received this picture via text, I knew they were off again, going everywhere to explore!

NYC oozed with patriotism.  There were American flags everywhere and signs everywhere displaying a love for community, a passion for perseverance and an undeniable feeling of resilience everywhere they went!
On the advice of someone they met, Scott and Eli went to the top of the One World Trade Center to look at NYC from a different point of view, and to capture a sunset that will forever be embedded in their memories.  

Oh how my heart leapt when they set me this photo!  They couldn't stop talking about how amazing the experience was.  The 9/11 Memorial was exceptional, emotional and educational and no wonder.....this city truly has so much to offer.  Both Scott and Eli agree that it would be so worth the experience to be able to live in NYC for just one year! 
Look at the smile on this kid's face!  I mean seriously!  What a night they had.  

Wish List #2 ✅ 

Did I mention they got to try pizza?  Oh and yes, they both have their own opinions on which pizza place is their favorite.  Not to worry, they were ALL very very good and with such energy and good vibes! 

And off they were the next day, bright and early.  In fact so early that there was no large line at The Charging Bull on Wall Street. So they were able to get the front and back side of this lucky charm. 

Again, I can't say it enough, NYC has so much to offer.  First a view of the city on foot, then at the top of the tower and now from the water!  

Wish List Item #3 ✅

Both Eli and Scott enjoyed the ferry ride to the Statue of Liberty.  There was no denying this was a neat trip into America's historical moments.  This is one of those moments that stirs a desire for freedom everywhere, for everyone to have an opportunity to live knowing that we all were created under God: 

"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights" - Declaration of Independence

Yes, we are big fans of our Declaration of Independence (and the movie National Treasure) 

Since we're talking movies - let's jump to ELF!  Look where these two ended up!  These two are having way fun!  No cotton-headed ninny-muggins found here! 
They took this picture for me.  When I was growing up I always wanted to be a Rockette!  Yes, me, all of me at 5'1"!  Oh well!  

So many movies were created here in NYC and off the top of my head I am envisioning a young Tom Hanks dancing on the giant piano while playing on the "Chopsticks".  What a fun memory of his character embracing life and having fun.  This is exactly what Scott and Eli did!

They even stumbled upon Trump Tower.  The coolest part was that they were able to go in and explore.  It was open to the public, no fees, no nothing.  

The next day, on their way to have breakfast with our friend, Ryan Silverman, Scott and Eli stumbled upon this boxing gym (right next door to where they were to meet Ryan).  It was pretty cool, loaded with signs, quotes and a lot of inspiration.  By now I am sure you get the picture, the New Yorkers are passionate about the ability to comeback! 
Wish List Item #4 ✅

There isn't enough time in one meal to catch up with a dear friend who has been in our lives since Enzo's hospital stay Dec 2023.  

Just a quick refresher, Ryan sang with the Jacksonville Symphony for their Holiday Show.  At the invitation of Scott, Ryan came to Enzo's hospital room to help us celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary!  Yes, he sang for us in our room and then hung out with our family!

Ever since that day Ryan has kept in touch with us to check on Enzo and our family.  It's been a wonderful friendship and Scott and Eli got to enjoy more time with Ryan in his hometown.  

Wish List Items all completed and there was so much more! ✅✅✅✅

I asked Scott how he could describe the trip, the experience of going to NYC with his son.  There are no words, it takes more than a sentence to explain all that happened.  In fact, is it even possible to summarize what happened during that trip?  No.  But it truly was everything he hoped it would be and more.  NYC far exceeded his expectations.  And to share that experience with Eli is indescribable in the best way possible.  

These are memories that they still talk about to this day and will forever more.  

Below you will see a video compilation of all the photos.  I could have added so many more photos to this post but it was just too difficult and would have ended in quite the post the size of "War and Peace!"
Until next post, have a blessed day!


  1. So happy they got to do this trip! .. And you’d have been a fantastic Rockette:) They used to have a rule that you had to be between 5 ft and 5’2” or something close.


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