Surgery brings Life


On Wednesday January 3rd, Dr. Villalona performed a Roux-en-Y, Gastric Bypass on Enzo.  Similar to the one you read about regarding weight-loss, but not the same.  The purpose was to create another way for Enzo's stomach to drain into the intestines.  

Enzo is surrounded by wonderful people surrounding him such as Child Life specialist Tessa.  Enzo is always in good hands and happy!  

Enzo went into surgery showing Tessa how to play "Tag with Ryan" (thanks Meaghan ha ha).  He has really nailed that game and has become quite the champ! Everyone is impressed with Enzo!

After 3 hours Enzo's surgery was complete and Enzo now had a new GI system, sorta.  Enzo was exhausted.  It was a long day.  

Dr. Villalona explained to us that Enzo's duodenum, pancreas and stomach is severely inflamed.  Enzo's stomach has been stretched and enlarged.  The healing process is going to take days.  Minimum 3-5 days for the connection of the intestine and the stomach to heal and then some more days for the GI system to get back into motion.  After that, we can try putting fluids in his stomach.

There were pictures that Dr. Villalona took while performing the surgery with his robotics and they were cool, crazy and unbelievable.   Enzo's insides looked angry, huge and painful.  The pictures are pretty graphic so I'll spare posting them on this blog. 

Days have gone by now.  The first 2 days after the surgery Enzo was in severe pain.  The medical team approved the use of Morphine as needed and IT WAS NEEDED!  Thank goodness Enzo was monitored like a hawk by the team of medical professionals and us as well.  It was so hard to see Enzo in pain. 

Yet as the weekend has passed by we have seen progress with Enzo.  The morphine has stopped and Enzo is progressing.  He is still under around the clock pain management but the fact that we don't need morphine is a step in the right direction.  

Just today Enzo was flexing his muscles, just like Eli.  Ha ha.  He misses all of us, especially Eli, who he sweetly calls E-I. must continue outside of the hospital.  

Eli is cooking for himself at Nonna's home.  Oops....this was the first attempt at getting proof of Eli cooking.  ha ha ha
A-ha!  Proof!  Eli cooking, making a healthy breakfast to stay on top of life!  It makes me so happy to see that my little man can take care of himself.  He has really pulled through during a tough time like this! 
Not only does Eli keep himself well occupied with fun and cooking at Nonna's home, he even loves the 4-story library we discovered in Jacksonville!  He loves it as much as me!  I's a 4-story library!  
18 books later (3 for me) and Eli is stoked!  I mean, seriously stoked!  My mama heart leaped with joy when he asked me if we could stay longer and get more books.  

Aside visiting the Jacksonville Main library (remember, 4, yes 4 stories!!!!), Eli has also been able to enjoy a trip to Chick-fil-a and even Crumbl Cookie, as seen in these photos but also Happy Brew, a non profit coffee shop that hires young adults with developmental delays and intellectual disabilities.  

Every day we make the choice to believe, to have faith that this surgery will make Enzo's life better.  We have no doubt Enzo's life is going to change dramatically!  
Mark my words, Enzo will have a happier and healthier life.  Gone will be the days of vomiting, screaming and confusion.  He's already demonstrating better communication during his stay at the hospital.  He says "ow" now and even can request certain things to be brought to him!  

Just today Enzo began to get emotional and when asked what was bothering him, Enzo pointed to his teeth!  There was something stuck in his teeth, a fingernail that he accidentally chewed off.  Do you hear me?  DO YOU HEAR ME?  Enzo POINTED to his teeth!  He is communicating!  

Thank you for all the prayers!  Thank you for checking up on us!  Thank you for being there!  Most importantly, thank you for loving our family with all your heart!


  1. 💕💕💕 crying happy tears! Love you all !

    1. I'm not crying! I'm not crying! ha ha I'm totally crying! xoxo

  2. This is great news! I’m so happy!

  3. I'm just crying with joyful tears because I know he's understanding more than he can communicate. He is doing great and I'm so proud of him and he fully filled my heart with joy and gratitude and happiness. God knows what he's doing with this special kids and people. I know he will continue to get better and better at his communications too.

    1. Yes, so true that he's understanding more!!! He will continue to get better and better! He's a fighter for sure! God is taking good care of his little angel.

  4. The paths He has laid before us can be confusing and questioned, yet, out of the fog and heavy clouds, as we begin to see Hand and plans, we once conclude that His Plans are for good and for blessings unimagined. Keep seeing Him blessing your every step.

  5. Such great news that Enzo is doing better as the recovery goes on. He has so many wonderful people in his corner! Hugs and continued prayers!


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