Progress and some giggles!


Surgery Jan 3rd.  Check

Recovering. Check Check 

Having fun! Check Check Check!  (watch the whole video - it's worth the emotions)

Here's a quick update:  Since the surgery Enzo has had an NG tube to suction his stomach.  What is coming out started as a charcoal black liquid and the goal is to get it to a clearer color liquid.  Right now it's between a green smoothie and green tea color liquid.  It's going in the right direction!

Enzo has good days. He is happy, enjoying his games on his iPad and making friends with everyone who passes by.  He is officially off around the clock medications and hardly needs anything!  What a crazy strong boy!
Then there are some tough days.  Yes, sometimes Enzo does need meds, or rest or just a snuggle.  

These days of desperation and confusion are getting less and less and that is what is making me happy!  It's not easy recovering.  There are days where Enzo falls asleep in the middle of the day and there are days when Enzo can't get to sleep.  He hangs in there and strives on. 
In the end, Enzo is doing amazing.  He is not going to let anything get him down.  

Some questions we get asked:
1. Does Enzo ever pull on his tubes? No!
2. Does Enzo ever pull on his PICC line?  No!
3. Does Enzo understand what is going on?  Not sure.  He seemed confused after the surgery but now he is just going with the flow.  And he is learning the routine of the different people that come in the room. 
4. How long has he been there?  Enzo was at the ER on December 2nd and back on December 4th when he got officially admitted.  That is 40 days as of this post!

Got any questions?  Just ask.  

Meanwhile, outside of the hospital, life goes on:
Eli has received some fun gifts from family!  He is all about art and airplane books!  In fact, a fellow neighbor at the Ronald McDonald House has lent him a book to learn more about becoming a pilot.  
The Ronald McDonald House feeds us dinner every night.  That means we have to provide for ourselves when it comes to eating before dinner.  

We usually go to The Fresh Market or Publix for breakfast and lunch foods.  On occasion we will be out and about and treat ourselves to something local.  We have yet to get anything we haven't liked!

It's been a while since both boys have had a haircut.  While Enzo is growing his hair out in the hospital, I was able to find a kid friendly location and Eli got an amazing haircut!
Oh, yes, we are still playing BINGO every Thursday night with Miss Connie.  She's so sweet and just loves Eli and his passion for boardgames and art stuff. 
Eli's favorite dog in the world!  Valentino and Eli have a special relationship!  Eli wears him out.  ha ha ha
Today was a super special day!  Nothing lifts the heart like a sweet visit from friends who live nearby.  It was a great afternoon of catching up!  We are so blessed to have so many friends providing us such great support!

Thank you friends and family for all your support!  We can't thank you enough for all your love and support.  It has meant the world to us!  


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