Eli - a true servant warrior!

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me share with you the most awesome BIG little brother, Eli!  And the crowd goes wild (cue applause and whistles)

I just have to share with you the genuine heart of Eli.  With all that is going on, he has stepped up his game of love and gentleness.  There has yet to be a day with whining and complaining about trips to the hospital, living in a pseudo hotel room at the Ronald McDonald House or not being able to go check out the local attractions!  In fact, he has got Mama doing 100 burpees every morning!!!  Future Navy SEAL!!

Eli doesn't even complain about having to do homeschool.  In fact, he's been so diligent, we are quickly approaching our 100th day of school right on schedule!  
Even with access to television and toys, Eli is reading "Make Your Bed" by Admiral McRaven (his choice) and Eli continues to draw every single day!  Who is this child we are raising?  
Eli has grown up fast as the little brother of a brother with special needs.  He has adapted to life's constant changes and doesn't complain.  He is only young once and truly knows how to enjoy every single moment in life.  His eyes dance, his smile is strong and his laugh is oh so very contagious!  
Eli enjoys meeting all of our friends that come visit at the hospital and has full blown conversations that make my heart dance.  These conversations range from military life to fire life to life with God. 
I mostly enjoy seeing Eli grow in his relationship with God.  He truly enjoys heading out to church and meeting his new friend, Connor, the pastor's son. Then he tells me all about what he learns with such gusto!

All the while big brother, Enzo is hanging out on Wolfson floor 5 still tethered to his TPN, which I just found out will someday soon begin to decrease.  This is GREAT news!  

We've had another little set back but Scott, with his ever present eye, and blossoming relationship with all the doctors, nurses and everyone else, has been able to be the best advocate for Enzo.  A new plan has begun and it seems to be working as we no longer need the use of morphine for pain! 

Even with the construction currently taking place on his floor, Enzo has found a groove that makes him happy.  He has a room with plenty of sunlight and he has his iPad that keeps him entertained.  Yes, he even puts the iPad down to walk the hallways of floor 5.  

Enzo has been amazingly patient, stuck in his room for almost 2 months now.  I see him smiling more and more and we all know that this season of life will soon come to end with a big celebration when he walks out Wolfson 5 doors.   


  1. That is awesome news, we are praying for your family and Enzo’s recovery 😃🙏

    1. Thank you so much. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful support!

  2. Eli is such an amazing kid! I love how he is so resilient and I pray he continues to stay positive. Enzo is getting there a little progress is better than no progress. Slow and steady. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery.

    1. Yes, slow and steady. some progress is better than no progress! Thank you for the prayers!!!

  3. Great hearing your updates and with such a great spirit of gratitude and faith in God. Eli is a great kid with a bright future ahead of him. Love his attitude and perseverance, Glad to hear Enzo is happy and making progress. Hugs, prayers continued for your family.

    1. Thank you for the prayers and kind words. Eli is amazing, Enzo is amazing. We have two amazing kiddos blessing our lives. We can't help but be grateful!

  4. I pray for continued healing for Enzo. He truly is a champion the way he has overcome so many challenges and still bravely fighting his way through it all. And I pray that your family finds comfort and encouragement in each other as you face the challenges of life in a box so to speak at this time. Blessings and love to you all.

  5. Ohhhhhhh this post made me so happy! I'm truly blessed to be a "tiny little part" of Eli's life and I can attest that his laugh is indeed contagious. You two are such great parents, no wonder Eli is such an amazing kid and Enzo is a happy kid (despite being in the hospital). May God continue to bless your beautiful family. Abrazos desde la distancia.

    1. Muchísimas gracias! ¡Dios verdaderamente nos bendice diariamente!


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