New World Record at the Firefighter Challenge 2024!

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Welcome to the World Champion Firefighter Challenge 2024 held in Nashville, TN at The Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway!

Firefighters from all over the world came to this event!  We met firefighters all the way from New Zealand, Poland, Germany and more! 
These amazing firefighters compete in this skills-based challenge course known as the LION® Arena of the Brave to complete Five Essential Functions – High-Rise Pack Carry, Hose Hoist, Forcible entry, Hose Advance, Victim Rescue – and the competitor with the best time within each division wins.
But it's more than just a competition.  It's a community of like-minded people.  These firefighters from around the world (Raresh from Germany with Eli on his shoulders) are the ones who run into the burning building while the rest of the world runs out. 

There is no doubt these firefighters are "ALL IN" with their chosen careers as they continue to display their passion throughout the World Championship! 

These firefighters display a commitment to remain fit and capable and the challenge course is a great way for them to have fun with these skill-based obstacles. 
Throughout the week Scott ran an individual race against another fellow firefighter.  Each time chipping away the seconds and getting closer and closer to his goal of achieving the Lion's Den.  Scott has to complete the course in sub 2:30 (updated).  He's working on it. 
The rest of the day we were able to enjoy watching the other athletes compete on the course. 

During the breaks there were different activities like ax throwing or pickleball.  Most people just hung out and shared stories. 
The weather was cool in the morning and warmer than expected in the afternoon.  The sky was a brilliant blue and the sun beamed down on the course.  Naturally we used our resources and were able to keep ourselves from getting too sun-kissed.  I'd say we got pretty creative and succeeded!
Not only is the World Championship a time to watch some really elite firefighters demonstrate their physical abilities, but it was also like a family reunion! It had been a while since we've seen some of the firefighters who were participating, like Roy (a Lion's Den member, great mentor and good all around friend to everyone). 
It was so good to see Tank too!  Since Scott retired, Tank got promoted and life has gotten pretty busy.  Yet somehow time slowed down for a moment as everyone got together and it was no different with Tank.  

The funniest part was when Tank noticed Enzo's facial hair and slightly deeper voice.  Has it really been that long?  
Eli was super excited to meet Jared Johnson (World Champion - multiple times).  Eli had been watching his videos regarding how to be mentally and physically stronger.  He even tries to do the workouts Jared Johnson will post on YouTube!  

Eli received a coin from Jared Johnson and Enzo also got a cool Fire Elite banner to put up in his room to keep him motivated!  Thank you Jared Johnson for your inspiration and motivation!
Fortunately the week long event never got old.  We all wanted to be at the event as soon and as long as we could.
Both Enzo and Eli truly enjoyed running around the track of The Nashville Speedway.  After all, how many people can say they got to go out on the track!
Back in 2020 when Scott ran his first race, he raced against Bill Christensen.  This guy is in his 60's and is as strong as an ox!  He has a signature mustache and a signature Harley to go with it!  I believe he has been doing the challenge for 20 or so years.  Of course, he is a World Champion!
Now this guy is the voice of the competition.  Huan DeRiggs!  

As a yoga instructor, I was taught to pretend that my students were blind.  Basically I had to choose my words carefully when instructing and I would have to explain how to get into poses with ease.  This way no one has to look at me and they can concentrate on their bodies and form.  Huan DeRiggs did it too!  Not yoga....but commentary!!  He was extremely descriptive regarding each section of the course.  Huan also would give information regarding the athletes as they were on the course so you get a little back story too!

Whether I was driving to or from the event or if I was at the hotel letting Enzo sleep in, I was able to listen to the commentary on the FCL Network on YouTube and know what was going on.  

What was even better was that I felt Huan had an authentic connection with the athletes.  Yes, I know he does know a bunch of them, but even the ones that came from NZ or Germany, he made it sound like he was part of their team and it was such a joy to listen as it made us feel that “community,” that “family” atmosphere that we all know is created by the challenge!  

I have spoken to Huan at prior events and knew he had done the firefighter challenge course so the tips he was giving were probably tips he was given himself or overheard by other mentors and coaches.  He knows the sport and each little detail made us feel as if we were there even if we were just listening to it!

This is one of my favorite pictures on the speedway!  What a way to view a sunrise!
Naturally we did take one afternoon to see the sights in Nashville.  There were so many different places to choose from.  I gravitated towards the historical buildings for they always seem to put me in awe!

We also decided to take the Nashville Old Town Trolley Tour.  Fortunately we were able to get on a trolley that had the ability to lock in Enzo's wheelchair.  However, it didn't have the ability to keep him happy.  There was just a lot of noise in Nashville and on the trolley.  But he hung in there. 

After an interesting trip on the Old Town Trolley - learning about the history of Nashville was my favorite part - it was time to get back and set some world records at the challenge!
(click pic to see the run) 
Scott retired from the United States Air Force Academy after over 3 decades of being a firefighter in the Department of Defense Fire and Emergency Services!  Well, the best part was Scott finally got to participate in the firefighter challenge in 2020 and ever since he was hooked!  

Fast forward to October 2024 and together with Tank (Anthony) McMurtry and Roy Dalton, they earned a New World Record for their firehouse 50+ team!

All in all the trip to Nashville was nothing we expected - only better!  Scott fulfilled yet another dream of continuing to compete at the Firefighter Challenge and our family got to be there for him, right in the front row!  

We also got to spend some time with Scott's cousins Joe and Debbie and that just made the trip that much sweeter!  

Scott is going to continue to compete in these challenges as he is determined to get into the Lion's Den by completing the course in less than 2:30.  Until then, you'll see him practicing and practicing here, there and everywhere!  What fun!  What motivation!  

Until next time friends, have a blessed day!


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