Whittling and Hurricanes

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Eli loves everything to do with nature and he has discovered yet another way to explore.  It's called whittling!  Thanks to Grandpa Tito and Grandma Roberta, Eli now has the tools to learn all about whittling!
With his safety gloves on, Eli steps out into the porch and begins whittling away.  His imagination makes way for creative creations.  

Surprisingly enough I have yet to take a picture of what he has created.  Oops.  But he has created his own little sword, a gun and he is currently working on a little boat!

Grandpa Brock has also contributed some things to help with his whittling, like his old file and dremel tool!  How cool!

Meanwhile, I am sure you've heard that we had a couple of storms come our way.  The first, Helene came after almost 2 weeks of rain.  The ground was soaked and the heavy trees came down.  Fortunately our vehicle (behind Eli) was not touched nor was anyone hurt in our area.  

We are thankful to God and we continue to pray for those that weren't as fortunate as us.  

Because everything was shut down for preparation for the storms and even after for clean-up, we had to get pretty creative in how we were going to keep our routine, being outside and homeschooling.  

The library was closed too.  Fortunately for us, our library has a very strong signal so we parked right in front and used their WiFi to complete our daily assignments!
As you can see, we had electricity.  We only lost about an hour or so during Hurricane Helene.  As soon as the electricity came back on, we returned to as much of our normal routine even with Enzo.  

Enzo loves homeschooling!  He gets excited when he sees his videos and you can see that he is really into learning!  Enzo's eyes get big and when he says the words you can truly see the sense of pride at accomplishing the task at hand!  
I love rainbows and I also love it when I get pictures of Eli at the gym.  Double bonus when both are in one picture!  

Our gym reopened as soon as it was safe to do so and Eli and Scott went back to their ways heading to the gym first thing in the morning.  It's a great time for the two of them, working out together is such a good bonding time for them!

Naturally we all want to be together and enjoy each other's company.  

The storm passed and the sun came back up.  It was time to get outside once again and enjoy the day as a family.  We went to Enzo's favorite park first and when it was time to leave, Eli and I decided to walk back home!
Nothing makes me happier than to know that my little man wants to walk about 2 miles back home.  I count my blessings for every moment I can spend with Eli for I know time will fly and he too will soon be off with his family doing many adventures as well!  
It was a little hotter and more humid than expected, but Eli rolled up his sleeves and continued onward.

What a nice way to spend time together, walking, talking and listening to the alligators and turtles entering into the creeks we walked passed.  I may or may not have freaked out when I heard a really loud splash but didn't see what it was.  Yikes.....
Naturally when we got home, Scott and Enzo were having their own goofy fun!  It was a day of big hits and lots of giggles!  Oh how I love the giggles!
With another storm, Hurricane Milton, brewing we wanted to get some more time outside before we were going to have to hunker down yet again.  So we all said YES to heading out to Sounds on Centre.

How fun to be able to head out and enjoy some music nearby.  The best part is that it starts at 6pm and it is very family friendly!  So all of us are able to enjoy it.  AND we are able to get back home in time for our nightly routine of heading to bed early.  Staying up late is so overrated.  😆😆😆
As long as the sun was shining, we were outside.  It was so strange to know that there was another major hurricane coming and yet the sky was clear, the sun was shining bright and everything appeared normal.  I guess it's the "calm before the storm."

We made sure to take advantage of our beautiful weather as long as possible.  Living in our condo complex has been such fun for all of us (even when the pool is way too cold).  😂. The ocean was roaring due to the incoming storm so the boys settled for the cold pool.  

With everything closed and everyone preparing for the storm, we made sure to get the boys energy used up!
Finally, the sun was no longer visible.  As Hurricane Milton approached, the weather deteriorated, the winds picked up and the sky was covered with large, thick and ominous clouds.  

The ocean was quite the sight to see!  The waves roared, rising high and crashing upon the shore.  Each crashing wave came down with a thunderous boom.  It was as if God was conducting some kind of movie score.  You could practically feel the vibrations through your body as we stood nearby.

The next day we woke up to cloudy skies and a cooly crispy breeze.  As we walked around our neighborhood there were only a few telltale signs of Milton's passing.

Life as we know it here returned back to normal.  Once again, we were fortunate to have been spared the wrath of yet another hurricane.  May we continue to pray for those that weren't as fortunate.  
Life returned to normal with walks outside, Scott puts on his air pack and trains for the Firefighter Challenge that was coming up.  Sometimes Enzo walks, sometimes he likes to be pushed in his special wheelchair. 
I, too, enjoy walking.  Every weekend I get together with some friends and we enjoy a nice long walk while chit chatting about everything you can think of.  

Aside from the walk, I do love watching the sun rise at the end of our walks. 
Did you know that one of the best times to hunt shark teeth is after a storm?  Yes, it's true.  The crashing waves shift the sand and expose hidden treasures. 
Now just so you know, I am no shark expert and I know for a fact you can find shark teeth pretty much any time of any day here on our island.  I am still learning and so I found just these three.  Others find so many more, and so quickly too!  

As crazy as it sounds, it's actually a really fun activity that is also calming as the waves have calmed down to a soothing rhythm while I search for the teeth. 
Next post will be coming soon as I am trying to play catch up.  After all, it's the middle of November and I am trying to get you up to date with what has happened in October.  I just really want to keep this blog up, if not just for me and my memory, like a journal of sorts that I can look back and see what we have done.  Anyone with tips on how to MAKE time to journal, feel free to chime in.  Until next time!  


  1. We stayed at the RMH last night for an early pre-op appointment this morning. Thought about you guys!! I enjoy your blog updates. 🥰

    1. Oh yay, who is this. It says anonymous. Glad you like our updates!


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