The New Retirement Plan
July has come and we are settling in the states with our new retirement plans.
What is it exactly? Well, it's not traveling and living in other countries. We will be staying in the states to take care of Enzo and create our "homebase" as we continue to create our "roots" with our good friends, neighbors and family nearby.
Not sure if I mentioned it, but Enzo needs to get tubes in his ears and he's been grounded. No flying for a while, it hurts his ears. We have to put our international travels on hold while we take care of Enzo and his ears.
Not to worry, we've got this! We signed a lease in a very small, less than 800 sq. ft condo that has everything we need nearby, space to run, pool to swim and a beach to explore! We can't complain! A small space to live means we are outside as often as possible! Sounds perfect for us!

Normally in bed by 8:30, we spoiled ourselves with a trip to the beach to watch the fireworks from the Ritz Carlton and then headed back home to enjoy some sparklers of our own.
When Eli came back he had the biggest smile on his face, a brand new shirt, new friends and NO VOICE!!
What do kids usually do once they return from camp? Rest? Sleep? Not Eli and this family! We drove straight to Nonna's and got ready for our next adventure. The very next day was the Bridge of Lions 5K!
Take a moment to let this sink in. It is the middle of July and the damp air smothers your every breath with every step towards the start line. Behind us was the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument which overlooks the water as the blazing sun shines over everyone. What a beautiful location!
BUT PHEW! It was a flaming hot start! I know it sounds crazy but we were sweating bullets at the start and were given such relief when we were given the "GO" and started moving across the Bridge of Lions. The breeze created from just moving (walking) on the course was welcomed and encouraged us to continue on over the bridge.
Yes, Nonna took a moment to push Enzo in his wheelchair! She's so strong!
Enzo's view! Since he wasn't begging for his iPad, I'm going to guess he actually enjoys being pushed around with all the excitement surrounding him!As much fun as any 5K we have participated in, I have to admit that this will be the one and only 5K race we will do in St. Augustine in the middle of July. 😅
Enzo's view! Since he wasn't begging for his iPad, I'm going to guess he actually enjoys being pushed around with all the excitement surrounding him!As much fun as any 5K we have participated in, I have to admit that this will be the one and only 5K race we will do in St. Augustine in the middle of July. 😅
Finally Camp and the 5K caught up to Eli. He was EXHAUSTED. Back home, we've been enjoying the amenities of living on an island.
The water temp is perfect, the waves are fun and you can't help but want to run in and out of the ocean.
By the end of the day we are all exhausted! BUT NOT TOO EXHAUSTED! Who doesn't like to play a game or two of TROUBLE?
Enzo ended up back in the hospital. His infection / abscess was not healing with the antibiotics so he ended up having minor surgery - an IND! It worked and Enzo was relieved of his pain and he healed really well! It was time to return back to life!By the end of the month Enzo was feeling better and enjoying life once again.
The water temp is perfect, the waves are fun and you can't help but want to run in and out of the ocean.
Fortunately we have great friends who enjoy the outdoors as much as we do! Choices we go to the beach or do we go to the pool? Ha's a tough one. So we end up doing both!

Enzo ended up back in the hospital. His infection / abscess was not healing with the antibiotics so he ended up having minor surgery - an IND! It worked and Enzo was relieved of his pain and he healed really well! It was time to return back to life!By the end of the month Enzo was feeling better and enjoying life once again.
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