Adoption Day!

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I have been blessed with a beautiful family consisting of the love of my life, Scott and our two blessings.  Enzo and Eli made our family of 4 so much fun that Scott and I both agreed to bring more children into our lives, in the hopes to adopt.  
We never did get to adopt but we did get to meet this little fella - our 14th and final kiddo we invited into our home during our adoption journey.  We picked him up at the hospital when he was 4 days old and oh so stinking cute!  
I can finally share pics of Mr. Brown Eyes!  He was born with a name Enzo could not pronounce so Enzo called him Baby and DT.  

After being adopted just last month, his name was officially changed.  

Meet Kai - a little boy that not only stole my heart but the heart of many!  
Eli absolutely loved taking care of little Kai.  Eli always wanted a little brother and was the best big brother to Kai and all the other little kiddos that entered our lives. 
Guess who else loved being a big brother.  I think the fact that Enzo is non-verbal and Kai speaks "baby," Enzo absolutely loved having Kai around.  
The state of Colorado does its very best to unite kiddos in the foster system with family.  Kai was loved by many, none more than these two sweet people and their family!  While I stayed home with Enzo and Eli, Scott took Kai to see his family and the tears began to flow.  

It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!  And it was right!

Alec, Chelsea and their family had flown into Colorado multiple times to visit Kai.  They dotted every i, crossed every t, and even became official foster parents in their home state just to prove to the state of Colorado that they were ready to welcome Kai into their own home!  Eventually, in record time, they were approved to take Kai home.
We knew our time was limited with Kai.  We enjoyed every last minute with him as he progressed through each milestone!  We were so happy to see Kai's body grow and strengthen before he left our home. 

For example: We were all dancing the day he no longer needed to rely on oxygen!  Look at his face now, without all the tubes!
Kai got tons of tummy time, learned how to hold his head up, rollover and ever pull himself up all on his own.  Eli was a great coach and encouraged Kai all the way.  
Enzo also helped Kai reach his milestones by encouraging Kai to follow him with his eyes and giggle and giggle and giggle!
By the time Kai was ready to leave our home and become part of his new family, he had hit so many milestones and had a laugh that could turn any frown upside down!  Those eyes, that smile and the coos echoed throughout our home all day long!  

It wasn't easy to say good-bye to any of our foster kiddos, but Kai was the hardest.  Chelsea and I hugged and cried and she promised to love Kai to no end. 
Kai is so loved by so many.  There is no doubt he fits right in with his forever family!  I absolutely love his family!  They know fun!  They know how to live, love and laugh!  
The best part was that Kai's family "adopted" us too!  We are now a part of their family.  When we are near their home, we swing by to say hi and hang out.  Kai will forever know us as a part of his family and we are truly blessed.
What more can I say?  Oh, I could say a lot.  Trust me when I tell you there is way more to this story than I am sharing.  Fostering is no joke.  There are super highs and super lows.  The paperwork, the legalities, the do's and don'ts list is extensive.  But look at the end product.  Kai is happy, healthy and loved!  
Oh and he is super chill too!  
Now fast forward a couple of years and Kai is officially adopted and out of the foster system.  Yes, 2 years!  Patience and love finally made Alec and Chelsea a family of 3.  

There wasn't a dry eye in the courtroom as the judge went through the formalities and then put her personal touch on the adoption process.  Yes, the judge has a huge heart and she asked personal questions just to better know Alec and Chelsea.  It felt like she addressed them as people, instead of just another case number and it was beautiful!
Dressed in matching outfits, Mama, Dada and Kai were outside celebrating, taking photos and hugging everyone!  Look at how big this handsome boy has gotten!!!
If there is one thing we can all agree on is that it takes a village to raise a child and Kai is blessed!  All but one person traveled from out of state to celebrate with the brand new "Forever Family!"  
It was a great day, and afterwards we celebrated with a yummy brunch at the Garden of the Gods Market and Café.

By the end of the day the sun was setting as we finished off with family pics!  I think I cried a river that day, so many tears of joy!  

Scroll down for a few more random pictures....
After the adoption was made official we all hung out in front of the courthouse.  
This was a gift from the foster care system.  Super sweet. 
Want to meet someone who follows through with grit and determination!?  - Abuela Lisa!
At the courthouse....
At Red Rocks Canyon Open Space...
Just a few of the out of state family friends coming to support Alec and Chelsea...

Bio mom has come a long way and with the love and support from Chelsea and her family, she is now clean and sober and thriving.  It's such a good ending.  All three of us mamas all agree Kai is in loving hands!  This is the ending every foster child needs.  

Thank you Alec and Chelsea and the rest of your family for being the light and love Kai deserves.  He will definitely live a magical life (this family may or may not have an obsession with all things Disney 😀😎😍).


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