Jamaica, Colorado and then NOT allowed to fly

It's been a while since I posted.  We've been a bit busy.  Living in the states is no joke, time flies and next thing you know it's been almost a month since my last post.  So so so sorry!  

Here is a quick "Cliff Notes" version of what's been going on and I am hoping this week to begin expanding on our life as "that family" that lives "Outside of the Box," and posting more on our blog. 
Here's the condensed version of things that have happened since my last post.

Enzo has some serious pain in his ears and needs to have tubes put in.  This means no flying.  Anyone up for a road trip?  But before he was diagnosed with this need for yet another surgery, we did fly out to Jamaica and then to Colorado.
Earlier in June we went to Jamaica to celebrate the wedding of Kellie and Mike.  What a wedding!  Seriously so much fun.  Met great people and got to celebrate with this beautiful bride. I can't wait to go through all the pics and stories again so stay tuned for my wedding post coming soon.
This picture doesn't do the scenery any justice.  Negril, Jamaica was absolutely paradise!  
After leaving Jamaica we headed to Colorado to celebrate the adoption of our 14th and final foster child to his forever home with the most amazing family!  We have also been "adopted" into this family's life since we first met them.  

Yes, we wore almost the exact same outfit that we wore at the wedding.  Can you see the difference?  Hint: look at our feet.  😂
Thanks for your patience guys and for contacting us and checking in on us.  I appreciate the private texts checking up on us.  Stay tuned, more pics to come, I promise!  xoxo


  1. Wow!!! You guys have been busy. Sorry to hear about Enzo's ear pain. On another note, love the pictures and outfits, too!

    1. Thanks. We have been unusually busy. It's crazy but it's fun and for all good reasons.

  2. Lovely update. Lots of new news! Keep on truck'n! Love grandma Roberta and grandpa Tito


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