A Discharge Celebration!


After 84 days on the 5th floor of Wolfson Children's Hospital, the very dedicated staff of nurses, caregivers and more lined both sides of the corridor outside Enzo's room cheering, waving little banners and blew bubbles as Enzo and his primary nurse, Nevresa walked (actually ran) past them. 

Enzo was loved by many professionals who welcomed us into their 5th Floor Family.  They were always so positive, caring and faithful to Enzo's needs (and the rest of the family).  
We had many caretakers but Nevresa was the day nurse who had more hours with Enzo than anyone else. The relationship between the two is special and simply demonstrates how “beyond textbook nursing” a day in the life of Nevresa has truly made Enzo’s stay more bearable.   
Without a shadow of a doubt, Tessa has fused her knowledge and experience as a Child Life Specialist to develop a wisdom like no other in helping our boy Enzo (and our family) cope with an almost three month stay at Wolfson Children’s Hospital.
Everyone signed this beautiful Bon Voyage poster with special words just for Enzo.  It's fun to see how they all truly have had their special moments as they wrote unique little "hola!" or other little fun Enzo phrases.
With a brand new haircut, Enzo is ready to be outside and play!  As we continue recovery with all our follow-ups, we know your prayers and kind words have helped us get through this crazy medical emergency.  Thank you so much!  We send just as much love back to you!


  1. YAYYY!! What a beautiful and well deserved celebration! Off to more new adventures! 🙏❤️

  2. Praising God! So happy and thankful to know that Enzo has recovered and is going home. I loved the loving farewell~

  3. ¡Esta actualización me ha hecho muy feliz y esa despedida fue fenomenal! Me reí entre carcajadas cuando le escuché decir "¡Hola!". Tuve que repetirlo nuevamente simplemente para escucharlo jajajaja Yay Enzo!!!

    1. Sí, es muy divertido. Enzo todavía saluda en español hasta la fecha. Me alegra que hayas captado eso. ¡Es tan divertido!Gracias a Dios!

  4. Praise God!!!! I'm so happy he is out and doing well. Great news!

  5. Wanda Marrero NewbacherMarch 3, 2024 at 11:05 PM

    Yeee Enzo, welcome back home!! But also welcome back Eli, mom and dad!!! You all have overcome a lot in these few months, but you have so much to look forward to now, new adventures, places, people …. Can’t wait to hear where life will take you next. Rest. Enjoy family time. And on to the next ‘scene’.

    1. Yes it has been a lot but we always look forward to new adventures.

  6. Our God is so good and always just in time!! Celebrating with your precious family!!

  7. Way to go Enzo and team!

  8. Wow 🤩 Awesome 👏🏼🙏🙏


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