Rumor has it.....

Rumor has it that Enzo will be off his IV nutrition (TPN) Sunday night!  His body is tolerating the amount of formula he is consuming!  This is a big deal.  His GI system is working, his body is returning to normal and Enzo is a happy boy!  

In the meantime, we are doing our best while we are here!  We are really catching up with our reading!  Eli has done amazing finishing 4 books since we arrived back in the states.  Scott and I have finished double and are enjoying flipping pages of a book (we had to resort to audiobooks while traveling for obvious reasons - minimalism). 
For Valentine's week we had some visitors come to the Ronald McDonald House.  We're constantly being blessed by all the volunteers who cook and entertain the kiddos.  This little kiddo next to Eli is Hemrich, one of many children that come through the RMH for proton therapy for brain cancer.  He's one of the coolest kids we have ever met!  Oh and he helps Eli practice his French (they're from Montreal). 
I'm going to keep this post short.  We've been busy trying to find a house to call "home base!"  We'll be here for a while to take care of Enzo and his needs as he recovers.  We already have a few follow up appointments in the distant future.  

As you can see, house hunting can be so fun!  Thanks Jen and Sherry!!  It's been a truly fun ride!  

Don't fret, we will make sure we continue to live life "outside of the box" and continue having adventures, even if it does not entail passports and airplanes.  I have no doubt the next post will be about Enzo's discharge!  I have faith!



  1. Aweeeesome!! You have the light shining on your paths as you take the steps ordered… not a high beam but a low beam to illuminate the baby steps for now.

  2. So happy to read this great post! Praying for you in all of this! ❤️ m

  3. Awsome news!! And look at his smile!! The best!! So heartwarming to see. Hugs to yog all

    1. Hugs back to anonymous πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️🀷🏻‍♀️🀷🏻‍♀️🀷🏻‍♀️🀷🏻‍♀️. I’m still learning how to blog.

  4. I’m so glad to see Enzo’s improvement! God is great!


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