Surgery for Enzo Wednesday

The date has been set to change Enzo's life forever!  And for the better!  No more vomiting!  

Save the date, Wednesday, 3rd of January.  I think Enzo is ready to get his life going again and will be happy to leave when he recovers.

Check out this x-ray of Enzo's stomach.  The picture on the left was taken 12/15 and the right 12/22.  As you can see Enzo's stomach is full and not draining due to all the inflammation in his GI.  Hence the vomiting.  The stomach needs to empty either down or up.

With a little help from the surgeon, Enzo's GI will be rerouted to allow proper drainage and function, while providing some more rest for the pancreas and duodenum.  It's a lot more complicated that this, but you get the gist, right?

It's major surgery but for the surgeon it's simple and the next step since all other options have been ruled out throughout Enzo's stay here since the beginning of December. 

If you're curious what Christmas was like, it's a dream come true for the kiddos, who were both spoiled with so many gifts donated by so many different organizations that provided for the kiddos who stay at both the Ronald McDonald House as well as Wolfson Children's Hospital.  
With Enzo constantly playing with the nurse's Vocera, the hands-free communication device, Enzo got his own version.  This "walkie-talkie" style communication device made his day!  WINNING!

Bonus, not only can you PTT like a "walkie talkie" but it also has the option to play FM radio.  Enzo couldn't get enough of it.
Eli, the best little big brother that ever existed hopped right on the FUN TRAIN and joyfully entertained Enzo on his new device while opening his own presents.  
I'll keep this post a little short.  This is the one time where I truly believe a picture is worth a thousand words.  

I will mention one more thing!  Having Nonna around was the icing on the cake.  She really has taken on a new role as a caretaker to a very active 10 year old boy!  Nonna has taken Eli into her home and has entertained him, fed him, love him and everything in between while Papa Bear and I alternate days spent with Enzo.  For Eli, this means more fun and less time in the tiny hospital room.

Scroll down, check out the photos.  May they make you smile as much as I smile as I post these pictures to share. 

Scott stayed with Enzo and Nonna, Eli and I went back to finish off the rest of the day with a little celebration at her home.  This definitely will be a Christmas to remember. We are surrounded by so many great medical professionals, volunteers and angels.  We are blessed. 


  1. Truly a Christmas to remember. Medical professionals, excellent facilities, many Christmas presents, and a grandma to take care of Eli. We pray 🙏 that the surgery is success!
    And a happy and healthy New Year!

  2. Beautiful Christmas celebration! Please, keep us posted on Enzo's surgery. Hugs and kisses.

  3. I’m so happy that Enzo is going to get some relief from vomiting, bless his heart! What a great Christmas for your family! I pray he gets better every day!

  4. Love. Love you guys. I am late to all your updates. Thank you for informing us. I am so glad Enzo is doing better.
    Please cover this family with your healing. Give the medical staff the knowledge and abilities to heal. Comfort them with your amazing peace.


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