Enzo snuggles with Mickey Mouse

Enzo's positive disposition continues to baffle the doctors!  Since our last post, Enzo has gone through quite a bit, to include an endoscopic biopsy.  Yet look at this cutie!  How happy does he look?  Enzo's beaming smile could fool anyone, you'd never suspect that his insides are severly inflamed.

The results of the biopsies basically confirm that Enzo still has severe inflammation and blockage, but also confirms that he doesn't have other medical stuff they were looking into.  So unless you want the play-by-play of each biopsy, that's pretty much the gist of it all.  It's a lot and the medical jargon is extensive in my non-medical profession world.  

In the end, the doc was shocked to see such inflammation on a kiddo with such a happy disposition!  He is one strong kiddo with an extremely high tolerance for pain.  One of the doctors confirmed she has seen other kiddos with Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) handle difficulties with uncommon ease!

The beautiful soul wearing the Christmas headband is Tessa, the Child Life specialist and she is a true angel from heaven!  She has been a constant cheerleader for Enzo and provides support for him where we, as the parents, can't (like being with Enzo when he is with the anesthesiologist), she'll hold his hand and keep him company.

Well, Tessa contacted Once Upon a Room, a local group of volunteers who transform a bland hospital room into a cozy and fun environment!  Look at what they did in just 30 minutes!
Enzo plays Once Upon a Christmas Mickey Mouse on Disney+ (even when it's not Christmas time) and loves all the silly new Mickey cartoon videos.  
Now Enzo's room is Disney-fied (is that a word? ha ha).  He even has a few personalized Enzo Disney products like a banner, a pillow and mini backpack.  The comforter is his favorite and there is a back-up Mickey fleece blanket which came in handy when Enzo had a little set back.  Eli helped and hung up the snowflakes everywhere.
The Do Not Disturb hangs on the bathroom door handle.  Ha ha

Eli helped decorate while Scott and I took 30 minutes to ourselves.  Not only does Tessa take care of the children but she also knows the importance of making sure the parents are taken care of as well.  It's nice to know that every angle of our time here has been carefully thought out.
Unfortunately we had a teeny setback so we will spend Christmas here. No worries, because of the Christmas schedule at the hospital, Enzo will be able to just rest and recovery without labs or biopsies and everything in between.  Come Tuesday the doctors have set an order for a contrast x-ray so we can see how much he has improved since this past week.  After that we will know where to go from there. 

In the meantime, Enzo is pretty popular on this floor.  The people here are just so genuinely kind and will take a moment to hold Enzo's hand and take a lap around the floor.  We never feel rushed nor do we ever feel like a burden here!  
On the outside of the hospital is the super fun and energetic Eli, the amazing and healthy younger brother who is making the best of the circumstances we have found ourselves in.  

It might have been a little chilly during a walk around Nonna's neighborhood.  Eli knows how to adjust.  
What is it about Buckee's that brings out the different personalities of Eli?  Papa Bear got gas and decided it was time to check out the inside.  Maybe, just maybe, Eli had a good time.  ha ha
Nonna lives in a community with people who have the biggest hearts.  One sweet friend took Eli, Papa and Nonna to the zoo.  Eli fed giraffes and stingrays!  He also got a little stuffed jaguar, who we just found out are actually not native to Florida.  Who knew?
Eli's schedule consists of time with Nonna (day and night) and one of us (Papa and I still alternate days at the hospital). However, Eli will always be at the Ronald McDonald House on Thursdays for Bingo!  
When he won, he went straight to the sketchbooks again!  I think he picked the right prize!
The days are warming back up and the sun is shining.  There is hardly a cloud in the sky.  A light breeze keeps the air crispy and refreshing.  Eli has now become Nonna's walking buddy.

Generosity abounds beyond the state of Florida as Eli is also receiving loving notes from friends back in Colorado!  He feels so loved here and afar! 

Christmas is a time of love and many blessings and we can say for sure that we are being showered with both.  Thank you all for all the love, the support and the prayers.  God is so good and He is shining his light as always.  

Just as we trust that the sun always shines after the darkest part of the night, we continue to trust in God to shine his light on us.  We know this too shall end (and a happy ending it will be!).

Enzo's progress may be slower than normal, but it's still progress and it's in the right direction.  The most important thing is that both Enzo and Eli are happy.  Merry Christmas to you all, from the Brock Family!



  1. What a wonderful team of caregivers. How blessed.
    You are all in our hearts and we wish Enzo continued healing and may the light of Christmas continue to shine on you all.

  2. It’s always so wonderful to hear from you, and about Enzo’s progress. I’ve been praying for him, as well as for the rest of the family. It’s wonderful to see that there are still nice people left in this world, and that you’re surrounded by a bunch of them! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and may God’s blessings continue pouring upon you and your family! ❤️๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ™

    1. There are so many people left in the world. I know we are blessed to be here and Enzo is being well taken care of.

  3. What a different Christmas, where love and goodwill was
    Showered upon you all at this time of year! To have Enzo so strong and happy and patient is a true testament! One day we’ll all know why- but as for now, Papa is in control and loves and cares deeply for you all!! Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Yes, He is in control and we know He cares deeply. We look forward to Enzo's recovery

  4. Sorry to hear about the setbacks and long recovery. I’m happy to hear you are finding joy wherever you are. ❤️❤️

    1. There's no other way to live, right? Merry Christmas! STay warm. ha ha ha

  5. Thanks for the updates. Glad you are getting lots of love and care and the fact that Enzo is still smiling, makes me smile ๐Ÿ˜Š…. Continued prayers for all ๐Ÿ™

    1. Thanks for the prayers, Enzo is smiling so much. He is such an anomaly but hey, I am digging the smiles.


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