Look what we found!!!!!!

Dear Friends and Family, the comments setting has been changed...feel free to comment below.  Thank you Francis for sharing how. 
For Thanksgiving we decided to rent a car and explore more of Eleuthera.  We decided to take a road off Queen's Highway that looked like it was heading to a little peninsula shooting off Governor's Harbour.   

My calm, collected husband who I deem as my rock, always even-keeled and steady, yelled with excitement, "THERE IT IS!"

He had found a Batelco telephone booth similar to the one we posed in a photo 20 years ago in Bimini, Bahamas.  Now, 20 years later, we found another.  

Eli was more than excited to direct us in recreating the photo!

There is no way I would have imagined 20 years later, finding a similar telephone booth at a place called "Cupid's Cay!"  and have the photo recreated with the help of one of my kiddos!  

I'm not making this up!

It was nice to step out of the car and take a break, or climb a tree.
The historical buildings still in use to this date are an amazing creation from the minds of explorers from hundreds of years prior.  Imagine, they didn't have YouTube or electrical tools.  

The architecture is mind-blowing! 
None of the photos are enhanced or anything.  The range of blues in the sky almost looks as if it were painted by Bob Ross.  Even the grass is a brilliant shade of green. 
Out of the blue we decided to head as far north as possible to Preacher's Cave, a place where Europeans who were seeking religious freedom, had called a refuge after their ship wrecked on rocks near this location.

The caves were where shipwrecked William Sayle named this island Eleutheria which means "Freedom."  What an appropriate place to celebrate Thanksgiving and give thanks to God for His provisions and grace.

There were so many neat nooks and crannies to discover!

Both boys loved exploring the caves!  Enzo did not want to leave the caves.  He kept wanting to look up at the big holes.

There are holes you look up and there are two that were next to each other. 
This is the Binocular View!

Enzo refused to get out.
I'm grateful that Papa has the magic touch and was able to get Enzo to step out of the caves and continue exploring.
On the way back from Preacher's Cave we found the Sapphire Blue Hole.  I don't think I ever imagined water so clear.
Time was short so we just couldn't stay to enjoy it.  We were 110 miles from our place.  We had to get back on the road.
Remember that beautiful little bay we discovered near Glass Window Bridge? We think it's called Dunmore.
The water was so incredibly clear that you could see our feet underneath us!  We played Frisbee and it was a blast!
Once again Daddy Joe's provided us with a hearty meal as we ended our Thanksgiving day.
Our sunset experience was drastically different this time...Enzo insisted on having his "Fireman Sam" theme song play for 45 minutes of our drive.  

 If you're curious....here is the link to that song.

This is our normal.  Fireman Sam is a part of our lives.  We still enjoyed the beauty of the sunset, as the sun's reflection once again painted the sky with every dreamy hue imaginable.  

Such is our life that even Eli was able to sleep soundly as we drove Queen's Highway back to our home in Tarpum Bay.

May your Thanksgiving and every day be as blessed.  

If you're having a bad day, just click play and sing "F-I-R-E-M-A-N, Fireman Sam, he's our man!"  Your welcome!  ha ha ha



  1. Wow! I’m sure you never imagined going back 20 years later to recreate that shot and how sweet that you had Eli to help you with it. Love it!

    1. So so fun, right?!?! And thanks for commenting. I was wondering if the setting would work. jajaja

  2. I finally stumbled upon your blog. I had no idea where you four went. I’m glad to see you all doing very well! Hope to see you in the future

    1. Hey there Scottie!!!! So go to hear from you! We still have our numbers. Feel free to text us (it doesn't accept phone calls tho, I can explain later). Thanks for catching up with us!


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