Pirates of the .......Canary Islands?

A month before my birthday I knew exactly what I wanted to do.  I wanted to be out on the ocean.  I wanted to see marine life like whales and dolphins.  I also thought it would be fun to do it on a touristy pirate ship called Flipper Uno.  With pictures of people having fun watching whales and dolphins, eating chicken paella and swinging off a trapeze into the ocean blue, I was sold!  
Finally, my birthday came annnnnnnnd, we did not go on the Flipper Uno.  Well, not on the exact date.  Eli and I had just recovered from some sort of stomach ailment the day before, I thought it best not to hop on a boat.  

A good decision, I might add.  For my birthday was the first and only day (so far) where there was cloud cover and a drizzle for most of the day.  This confirmed my decision to board Flipper Uno the following week.

Without a cloud in the sky, the day we went on Flipper Uno couldn't have been a better day!  

These pictures don't do it justice.  The sky was the color blue unmatched by any crayola crayon ever created which made for the perfect backdrop to Los Gigantes, the towering cliffs we left behind as we headed out into the Atlantic Ocean.
Cue Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean music as the crew (of pirates) introduce themselves, lay down some safety rules and proceed to shower us with hospitality meant for royalty!  Drinks were being offered, adult drinks too and of course permission to roam about as we pleased. 
We were at the back (or stern) of the pirate ship so we didn't hear everything.  Not to worry, Diana, came around and explained with great pride that the location we were about to enter is the first Whale Heritage Site in Europe.  It was certified in January 2021 and there are a variety of whales we could possibly see.  As Diana was explaining the history of this site, short-finned pilot whales  began breaking the surface of the ocean.  

Giddy as ever we all jumped up to see the whales swimming about.  For a moment not a soul on board spoke a word as we all stood in awe while the short-finned pilot whales danced as if in rhythmic harmony to music playing somewhere down below.  Yet, there was no music, just the sounds of their breaths through their blowholes, the lapping of the water and the oohs and aahs of every child from 1 - 100 on board.  For a moment, time stood still. 

Heading back we were served a traditional Canarian meal, the paella.  The meal consisted of chicken, yellow rice, peas and an amazing seasoning.  Not everyone on board appreciated the delicacy (nor the combination of the waves, bobbing of the ship and food) but as for me, it hit the spot.  

We headed back towards Los Gigantes and found ourselves in about 9 meters of crystal clear blue waters at Masca Bay.  The trapeze was set up and the "pool" was open.  

We stayed about 30 minutes swimming in 24°C water either walking down the steps to the bay or flinging off the trapeze.  
I think I might have been the oldest woman to grab the trapeze and give it a go.  Not bad for 52!  I'm still a child at heart!
To see the whole family have fun made my birthday so special.  By far this will be one of the most memorable birthdays on record.  


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