One of our biggest concerns when traveling was whether or not we were doing the right thing for our kiddos. One is typical and the other isn't. Honestly, they both aren't typical. 😂. Seriously who has a typical family with typical kids. In fact, who defines typical and show me ONE family who is typical. I am sure you get the point.
One thing I know, we were all made with a purpose. God created us for a reason and that reason is to give glory to God.
In the Book of Psalms 139 verse 14, King David's praying to God and he says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” This speaks of the care and attention with which God has made us
Regardless, traveling with kiddos and one with special needs was a concern. Enzo had been in different forms of therapies since he was a baby. Then, a few years ago, we finally found the right therapists, the right combination of medication and Enzo was doing well.
This doesn't mean his past therapists weren't right, but with age and time, we found the right combination that Enzo needed. Our lives changed for the better!
In fact, Enzo was doing so well with his therapy sessions (and the medications), in December 2022 we decided to take our first true family vacation, on a plane, in a different country, for over a week! Go Big or Go Home right? We've never truly taken a proper holiday.
This is a face that says I am happy! This is a boy truly in his element.
Both Eli and Enzo had the time of their lives.
Enzo couldn't have been happier. If he wasn't at the pool, he was at the ocean. If he wasn't at the ocean, he was at the pool. There was so much he could do. Enzo was free to roam, explore and learn on his own!
We did it! We proved to ourselves we could actually travel. Costa Rica proved to be a big hit. The boys had such a blast. EVERYONE had a blast. You get the point, right?
Naturally this got us thinking....we CAN travel! We were ready! We left Costa Rica, returning home with the desire to travel more!
Then we got stuck in that whole Southwest Airlines Christmas travel delay mess on our way home (remember Christmas computer crash 2022?). Flights delayed our arrival home.
We finally arrived home with a brewing snow storm headed towards us.
All the detours, delays and then the storm just confirmed we needed to leave. On January 1, 2023, Scott informed his supervisor he was going to retire.
Now we are traveling the world as we have always dreamed we would, as a family.
There aren't pictures that can truly explain how much joy these boys are experiencing but maybe just maybe you can feel their energy as they jump into the pool so freely, so wildly, so happily. There is not a care in the world.
Strange noises, construction renovations, and lots of people are no match for Enzo when he is in his special chair. His special chair does make it a lot easier to get through the public places. Everyone is super kind when they see him in his chair. We are super thankful for this chair (thanks Stephanie K) for we do not have to worry about Enzo's autism and processing disorders to kick in at the wrong time.
However, I would not be doing this memory right if I didn't point out that we still have behavior issues with Enzo. If he feels unsteady or uncomfortable, he won't budge. Nope, won't do it. Enzo just plops down. He will just wait it out and wait it out. If it's a matter of safety or time, we have to carry him. Enzo won't let go until he feels absolutely certain that he has the balance and control to move on. It doesn't happen often and for that we are grateful. He'd rather run around and exploring every little detail of every green space he encounters.
Another example is that Enzo still doesn't know how to tie his shoes . If his laces aren't tied, he trips. As his parents we help him. You can literally hear the "nooooooooo" from afar as Papa stops Enzo to tie his shoe. Enzo doesn't want to stop.
Yes, we are his "caretakers." However, I no longer feel that my sole role with Enzo is just as a caretaker. I actually feel like his mama now. We have a connection and that makes my heart happy.
There were days, months, even years I had wondered if I would ever get to feel more like a mama than a caretaker. It's happening right now! It happened right before we left for our travels and still going strong. The feeling of being his mama grows even more the longer we travel. It is bringing us, our whole family closer together.
You know what else? Enzo is smart! When he needs a break from life, the world, from us, he wants to sit in his special chair. I like to equate it to his "man cave" or maybe it's a big warm bear hug with it's 5 point harness. I think Enzo just feels safe and secure in his chair.
Enzo can sit in that chair and just take a break or a breather. Sometimes he really doesn't want to get out of his chair and just wants to watch the world go by. It's his choice and we respect his decision.
Enzo lives in the moment. His life is one literal word after another. He doesn't see anything but what is in front of him. Abstract thoughts do not exist. It's either now, in the present or it doesn't exist.
Also, If Enzo wants something we have to figure out how to transition him out of his present thoughts. For example, there was one day Enzo was pretty insistent that we continue driving a golf cart we had rented. He just didn't understand why we weren't continuing on with our ride. Enzo doesn't understand the dangers of a coming thunderstorm, the arrival of dark as the sun sets and the need to head home. All Enzo knows is that he wants to ride the golf cart and he wants to ride it now.
Our travels, lack of therapists and other support system forces us to find solutions on our own, and fast. And guess what...we do!
We are getting better at transitioning Enzo, making sure it's a kind and gentle redirect from his current desires. I don't know how we do it but we do.
In the end, Enzo is thriving. The freedom to run, swim and explore has opened Enzo's eyes to new possibilities. When Enzo is happy it is, without a doubt, expressed with every being of his body.
A simple CCTV camera at the entry of a grocery store can make for a fun day! Enzo sees himself on the "you are being watched" television displayed right in front of him. Enzo watches himself in the television and begins to laugh, jump and it makes us all smile. Oh, the joys of the little things in life.
Traveling isn't easy. Down syndrome isn't easy. Autism is definitely not easy. But everything is so possible. We just have to give it a go. We can do it!
Paul was bringing clarity to this statement, “If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it,” most probably before this statement was ever made when he taught, 2 Corinthians 4:8-12 (KJV) - said by Pastor Carl W. Mann, II New Horizon Fellowship
As you can imagine, I am currently writing this as Enzo is sitting on the sofa talking with "Siri" and having the time of his life. This is all AFTER the fact that we tried to go to the pool but the caws of a neighbor's bird made for a non-existent pool day. Enzo froze. He didn't want to walk, talk or anything. It took almost 30-45 minutes to convince Enzo that everything was okay and if he could just walk to the exit door, we could return to our apartment.
While every adult was watching and little kiddos were asking me "¿que le pasa a él?" I was trying to convince Enzo to walk to the door. "Tiene autismo y síndrome de down. Tiene miedo del pájaro que estaba gritando de alegría." One mom gave me a nod of understanding while I slowly moved Enzo closer to the exit door. Once we got through the door we walked, yes, walked back to our apartment and here I am on the computer making sure I share with everyone that our travels are amazing, yet being truthful to admit there are ups and downs. If I don't share the whole truth of our life, our travels, how will anyone trust that I am revealing our lives without any filter?
As our family continues to travel we continue to grow. All of us, not just Enzo. I think this might be the best therapy session yet!
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