The Island of the Dogs (The Canary Islands)


Before I discuss the flight situation from Costa Rica to Tenerife, I figured I would write now about the fact that we are indeed in Puerto Santiago, Tenerife Canary Islands.  Crazy as it may sound, when we first arrived, we were severely jetlag, exhausted and without a doubt second guessing our decision to stay in a one bedroom apartment in Puerto Santiago (no a/c).  But after waking up to the beauty of this island, we knew we made the right decision. 

We are literally walking distance from so many things.  Should I mention that everything is uphill - both ways!  😂😂. That's how it feels!  But hey, it's great for keeping healthy and strong.  Our apartment is on top of a hill that is close enough to gather your belongings and walk to the beach! That's what I call perfect.  In fact we are walking distance to the supermarket, two beaches and even Los Gigantes, the town next door with gigantic cliffs looming with intimidation over the Atlantic Ocean.  Wow, did we really just go from paradise to paradise?  We were so over the moon with excitement that after a few days we began looking into what residency entails.  Oooohhhhhhhhh!!!!
This town has so much personality!  The buildings are unique and squeezed in together between the mountains/volcanoes and beaches but this is a community and everyone is squeezed in.  Seriously.  Even parallel parking here is ridiculous and out of this world.  I am driving a manual - something that I got to do in Nicaragua just recently - so I am feeling comfortable.  However, parking on the hills is a different story.  And the roads are exactly what they look like in the movies, tight and curvey.  Boy the "guagua" (local bus transport) drivers are AMAZING!  But with each day I am getting more comfortable.  It's like riding a bike, right?
Our apartment complex has an amazing salt water pool that both boys like.  You know what's really crazy... in Nicaragua the sun rises around 5 am and sets by 6pm.  Here, the sun rises sometime around 745am and sets almost by 9pm.  This make it easier to adjust with jetlag.  You see, I like to be up when the sun gets up and down when the sun is down.  Now, it's no big deal.  I thought I liked being up at 5 in the morning.  But now I am happy to be waking up with the sun sometime after 7:30am and still have all day to adventure out and explore.  It is a bit weird when you are hanging out at the pool and it's 6pm and the sun is still kicking hard.  Don't even get me started on trying to communicate with people across the pond.  EST is 5 hours before us and MST is 7 hours.  I'm really hoping the use of DND (do not disturb) or phone on vibrate is being utilized as I really would like to respond to messages from friends when I wake up....oops.

Speaking of exploring.  One day we decided to just take a ride.  We needed to get into our rental and just head to another location.  Our goal was to find the Apnea Academy of Freediving.  We thought we found it but the academy we found was not the original location.  So we continued south to find the original location.  With no luck we were lost but found ourselves in Playas de Las Américas.  This place was over the top gorgeous with special beds for beach goers, bars, restaurants and lots of shops.  I felt like this is what it would feel like in the French Riviera.  It is an upscale resort town with an amazing laid back vibe that made us feel so comfortable.  

We've been here for over a week and have already done a lot but I have to get Enzo to sleep.  He's doing great but his body is still recovering from the flight over here.  He sleeps until about 9, which is better than the first couple of days where he slept until 1pm.  Phew!  It takes time, but the good thing about our lifestyle is the freedom to spend as much time as we are allotted when we arrive at a new destination.  Yes, we will be here for almost 3 months.  Therefore there is no rushing out and planning every single day of our lives.  Excursions can get exhausting, even if you don't have special needs.  It's nice to pretend we live here.  We relax, we enjoy, we thrive.  


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