TEAL Team 6 and other fun stuff

I originally created this website to remind myself of so many memories.  I tend to forget the little details and wanted some way to make sure the memories - and all the details are never forgotten.  

I have chosen to share with my family, friends, and others some of the most memorable, influential, poignant, and significant experiences and influences in my life. I have expressed this in a variety of ways.  

However, since returning to the USA, I feel I have gotten into such a routine that I didn't need to continue being so on top of my little blog until I started looking back at pictures once again.  

I NEED to post, I NEED to remember, for these memories are still very memorable, influential, poignant and significant experiences and influences in my life - even if we aren't traveling the world.  

My point?  I am going to continue writing this blog, for these memories are my story, my bibliography and my joy.  Hope you'll continue to enjoy them as well.  

So let's start with the fact that Eli has now joined the Boy Scouts.  He is ALL BOY and when he went to the first meeting, it was confirmed he belonged.  Let me explain.  Eli is all about the Navy SEALS.  The day Eli went to the first meeting of the semester, the boys had to come up with a name for their pack.  Eli sat quietly as he listened in on some suggestions.  

There was one scout who finally took the reins, asked everyone their favorite colors (mostly blue and some green).  Then he said, let's call ourselves TEAL TEAM SIX!  What a hit!!! AND a nice little nod to SEAL Team 6!!  Just more confirmation Eli belongs!
While waiting for our next adventure, we all continue to dream of traveling again.  Eli would prefer if he would just own a plane and fly us around the world.  I like that idea!
Fortunately we homeschool and even though we can't afford to buy an AirBus 380 at the moment (or ever?), together Eli and I decided to tweak a school project to reflect Eli's desire to own a plane.  
The project was a huge success.  Eli learned all about the AirBus 380, wrote his research paper and then created his own version.  Did it fly?  Well, it did "linger" in the sky for a bit as the take-off was on the third flight of stairs.  Ha ha ha.  
Meanwhile, Enzo himself is enjoying his passion, the pool!  Enzo can't get enough of being in the pool.  Oh and yes, he does homeschool as well IN THE POOL!  It's a great place to encourage him and he's all in!
As life goes on, sometimes it can get a little "stagnant."  I mean, we have to do what we have to do, right?  Wake up, go to the gym, eat breakfast, homeschool, and then what?

By the time we finish the "to do" list, we always try and find something to do, preferably outdoors.  There's no doubt that a walk on the beach can be so fun!  And who doesn't like to get a little sunkissed as well.  
Enzo, too, enjoys adventures outdoors.  With so many playgrounds to choose from, his favorite has a lot of fun things to do and is shaded!  Sitting down and watching Enzo play is like a scientific experiment.  What will he do today?  Where will he go?  What will he say?  

No two days are the same.  This makes it so fun to watch.  It is almost as if Enzo feels like it is a new adventure every time!
Naturally, Enzo will still beg for pool time as we enter our complex.  It's right there at the entrance.  Enzo can see it.  There's no hiding the shiny glimmer reflecting off the pool water.  It calls like a siren out at sea, beckoning all of us to drop everything and jump in!
Fortunately we aren't the only ones drawn to the sun and fun of the water!  
In the end, the routine and normal isn't always the same.  We have fun inside our little condo and we have fun outside in the big world.  We have good friends who join us from time to time and that makes it so fun!~
Okay, so maybe we aren't traveling the world right now but what we have now are more fun memories that will last a lifetime!


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