Myringotomy - what?!

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Forever grateful to everyone who works on Wolfson 5, we always try to go up to visit and say hello.  It's so fun to see everyone gather around Enzo.  They absolutely love him and he loves them!  Of course, he also wants to play with them too!
Hide and seek anyone?  Enzo will count and everyone is supposed to hide. Not today....we were running out of time and had to get Enzo ready for his 3rd surgery of the year!
Yes, his 3rd surgery was essential due to pain in the ears caused by changes in air pressure (like when we were descending in an airplane).  Oh how my heart ached when Enzo would scream "OW! OW!" And yes, he actually would say "EAR!"  It was a bittersweet moment to have Enzo finally tell us what was hurting but it also was sad that he hurt so much. 
In addition to the changes in air pressure, the ENT said Enzo has had fluid that would not drain from the middle ear. In fact, it had been there for quite some time and should have emptied from the last time the ENT saw Enzo, but it did not. 

A myringotomy surgical procedure was done last Friday and small tubes were inserted in Enzo's ears.  Although Enzo was in so much pain the rest of the day, he has since been recovering wonderfully!  

Short blog today.  But I hope to write more soon.  Until then, we want to thank everyone who prayed for Enzo and kept in touch to see how he was recovering.  It meant a lot to us!  xoxo


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