We need water! Laguna de Apoyo and Masaya Volcano Nicaragua

Maybe, just maybe Enzo found his favorite therapists - Papa! With Papa being around 24/7 now, I think Enzo (actually all of us) are enjoying our time as a family of four! Now on the farm, we have tons of space (it's about 20 acres), with trails, trees, a pool and lots to explore. Farm life isn't easy. Any farmer will tell you that. However, it's definitely harder in Nicaragua, especially during the dry season when the water levels are so low. However, the community comes together and anything is possible. Need your water tanks filled a little more to take the edge off the dire straits? Contact the local fire department! Naturally this was all that was needed to make my little future first responder happy! The local firefighters (bomberos in Spanish) came in, helped fill some of the water tanks and even entertained Eli with showing them their vehicle - a much antiquated version of a water tanker. I think Eli r...